The Invisible Discriminator - Beyond Blue video Commercial, Video MarketingMatthew Boland2 August 2014casual racism, beyond blue, the invisible discriminator, depression, suicide, exclusion, aboriginal discriminationComment
Shell and Lego: everything is not awesome video Film making, Commercial, Social Awareness, AnimationMatthew Boland14 July 2014greenpeace, lego, shell, everything is not awesomeComment
When to use major events for awareness campaigns Commercial, Film making, Social Awareness, SportMatthew Boland13 July 2014football world cup, domestic violence, england, filmmaking, commercial, public awarenessComment
How bad videos turn viral Commercial, Funny, Video MarketingMatthew Boland21 June 2014Singapore commercial, tourism, so bad its goodComment
Violence Is Violence video campaign Film making, Commercial, Social AwarenessMatthew Boland31 May 2014domestic violence, domestic abuse, violenec is violenve, violenceIsViolence, mankind, ad, commercialComment
Help the poor? a social experiment and important video Commercial, Social AwarenessMatthew Boland20 May 2014poverty, giving, PhilanthropyComment