The Invisible Discriminator - Beyond Blue video
Over the past week, there has been a bit of discussion around Beyond Blue's new video titled "The Invisible Discriminator" a video around casual racism directed towards Aboriginal people, in today's Australian society.
A lot of the discussion has been whether this video is indeed relevant to the reality of racism today in Australia towards Aboriginal peoples. Points have been made that the some of the actors don't seem to be identifiable as Aboriginal people and that the situations in the video seem unrealistic. Others have made the point that it doesn't focus on the more serious form of racism today in Australia, such as the ongoing intervention in the Northern Territory, the continual denial of Aboriginal land rights as well as non compensation for past injustices.
While some of these points are open for debate, something I will not do here, I have found this ad to be successful in getting its message of causal racism in Australia to a wider audience. This ad and social campaign has created a discussion around racism that I haven't seen in Australia for quite a long time and this is positive, as it opens opportunities for understanding and debate something that is important in a democracy.
Something that most viewers can agree on though is the tragic levels of depression and suicide amongst the Aboriginal communities, something that we indeed need to find a solution for. In this regard this ad in my book is a step in the right direction for awareness of the issue.
A big shout out to everyone that I am back writing these blogs, have been internet less of the past week.