"Unsung Hero" a tear jerking advertisement from Thailand

Ah Thailand, a place after my own heart. Its not very often I get excited about advertising, because lets face it, advertising is often bland and uninspiring. Ads by their very nature are geared towards selling us something, a product, an idea a company. But every once in a while, something is created that just has you jumping up and down with enthusiastic life affirming passion. This ad by the Thai company Thai Life Insurance or ไทยประกันชีวิต is one such ad. And while I remain curious as to why a life insurance company would devote energy into creating an ad that is not so much concerned about its product, but rather seems more concerned about the state of the human condition, i'll take this ad as an example of a company willing to devote time and resources to create something outside the box and dare I say it to create socially relevant advertising. 

ON a more technical level, the story is quite a simple one as it follows an obvious story arc, where we are introduced to a character who is quite clearly functions outside the norm of society as we follow him through  5 significant interactions, with the emotional climax really packing a that unexpected emotional punch. I also like the use of colour here reminds me, of the recent Spike Jonze movie Her.

Another emotion provoking ad from Thai Life Insurance is the 2011 "Silence of Love" TVC. While a lot more dramatic that their latest life lesson offering, it still manages to raise those emotion levels.