Matthew Boland

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Shell and Lego: everything is not awesome video

Greenpeace ah those high minded hippie tree hugging environmentalists. I like them. Cause although they may annoy me with their incessant view that everything non green is bad, at times most of the time they have make a very sincere point.

Take for instance their latest ad campaign focused on the partnership between lego and the Shell oil company. What ever you think of Greenpeace, they do have a point of keeping branded companies such as Shell out of children's toys. Children don't need to grow up thinking that drilling in the arctic a place where polar bears and the like roam is ok, all for the sake of making a buck.  Its like having cigarette companies or alcohol companies or even Monsanto branding toys to sell to children.

The ad is in fact awesome, playing on the recent success of the Lego Movie, the animation is simple yet poignant. Please share.

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