Matthew Boland

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Will technology get in the way, of human connection? (video)

Will technology get in the way of human connection, its a question posed by 2 recent films, notably Her (2013) and Transcendence (2014) where the question is asked about what will human's relationship with technology be in the future and how might this impact on our connection with each other?

The below video raises these questions as well, as it explores a seemingly loving relationship, shot beautifully in a futuristic Paris, where technology quickly invades what should be an intimate moment.

What is scary is how true to life this is as well. During the last decade we have seen the slow creep of technology from the use of mobile phones to smart phones, through to the use of tablets, social media and now wearable devises such as google glass and smart watches. Go anywhere to cafes and restaurants, pubs, sporting events, and you will see everyone using some form of this technology. While in many respects this is a positive thing and helps in some ways to enrich our lives, there are also many downfalls, like for instance the all too common experience I find when hanging out in public where I see groups of friends no longer talking with each other, but rather spend their time on their smart phones using social media. What ever happened to enjoying the moment and enjoying each other's company?